
Logiciels et supports SES-STERLING

In order to promote your autonomy in your various missions and the handling of your machines, we offer you our software and templates.Note : Since each printer has different margins, it is a matter of determining by one or more tests the right margins for a good centering of the labels.

Download LibreOffice

Image Services: LASER engraving and embossing

Services: LASER engraving and embossing

Personalize your identification with our laser engraving and embossing solutions.

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Image SES Conversion software, software and M-1Pro drivers

SES Conversion software, software and M-1Pro drivers

SES Conversion software allows you to retrieve information from design software (in.FNR format), especially for printing with our PLIOSCRIB M-1 Pro system.

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Installation instructions SES Conversion

  • Download SES Conversion software
  • Start the installation by running the downloaded file « SES_Conversion.msi ».

M-1Pro Software and Drivers

The PLIOSCRIB M-1 Pro machine is compact and easy to transport. It also allows fast printing on a wide variety of media.

Using the M1-Pro PC software

Discover the accompanying brochure for printing with M1-Pro PC software and printing BITMAP data..

Drivers available depending on model and operating system

Machine M-1 Pro IIIcone ZIP 2
Windows 98 to Windows Vista
Machine M-1Pro III and M-1PRO IVIcone ZIP 3
Windows Vista to Windows 7 (32 and 64 bits)
Machine M-1PRO IVIcone ZIP 4Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 (32 and 64 bits)
Machine M-1PRO IVIcone ZIP 5Windows 10 (32 and 64 bits)Machine M-1PRO VIcone ZIP 5Windows 10 (32 and 64 bits)
Image Letatwin PC Editor printing software

Letatwin PC Editor printing software

The Letatwin PC Editor software is used to manage printing on the LETATWIN thermal transfer printer.

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LETATWIN quick start

Quick start guide for creating markers.

Letatwin PC Editor software installation instructions

  • LETATWIN PC EDITOR software for the LM-550A2 printer
  • LETATWIN PC EDITOR software for the LM-550A3 printer
  • Instructions for downloading and installing the Letatwin PC Editor software and driver
  • Start the installation by running the downloaded « LetatwinV16000E_Setup.exe » file

Letatwin Printer Driver installation instructions

Letatwin user guide

Letatwin PC Editor documentation

To learn how to use the software, read the Letatwin PC Editor instruction manual.

Image PLIOMARK-PRINT printing software

PLIOMARK-PRINT printing software

The PLIOMARK-PRINT software allows printing on various media :

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The different templates

We provide you with templates, which are in PDF format. They will allow you to print templates on plain paper for printing tests with SES PLIOMARK-PRINT software.

Warning : When printing, check that there is no scaling :

Setting in the « Print » dialog box of Acrobat Reader 9 (the setting is similar in other versions or other software)

The proposed templates are calibrated against a complete A4 sheet. Since technical margins can vary from one printer model to another, this is the only way to achieve the same printing result every time. Depending on the PDF reader used, the location of this setting may vary.

PLIOMARK-PRINT installation instructions

  • Download the PLIOMARK-PRINT software, Free version only for printing text or Complete version (30 day trial) for printing text, image, logo, barcode and QR code.
  • Start the installation by running the downloaded file « SES_pliomarkprint.exe ».

To familiarize yourself with the software, discover the PLIOMARK-PRINT software user manual.

Image SPOT-IT and FB label holder templates

SPOT-IT and FB label holder templates

In order to identify cables, a set of printable products: SPOT-IT labels and those for FB label holders. We offer several models for printing.

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SPOT-IT labels

Microsoft Office® Spot-it Icone ZIP 6Open Office® Spot-it
Icone ZIP 7

Labels for FB label holders

  • Microsoft Office® document templates :
Model FB211Icone ZIP 8Model FB201Icone ZIP 9Model FB109 ET Icone ZIP 10
Model FB110 ETIcone ZIP 11Model FB112 ETIcone ZIP 12
  • Open Document® 2.xx and 3.xx document templates

Document templates are another possibility for printing our labels FB112 ET, FB110 ET, FB110 ET, FB109 ET, FB201 and FB211.

Just save the templates in your template directory to be able to use them: right click on the icon, and validate the option « Save the target of the link as… ».

Model FB20Model FB211Model FB112 ET
Model FB110 ETModel FB2109 ET
  • Setting up labels for printing with OpenOffice® 2+ and LibreOffice®.
OpenOffice® 2Icone ZIP 13OpenOffice® 3Icone ZIP 14